Pike Hall (Tüskecsarnok)
Pike Hall (Tüskecsarnok) is a sports facility built for Expo ’96. As the world fair was cancelled construction works were halted. It was finished 20 years later in 2014.

The reinforced concrete and metal structured sports hall is located at Rákóczi Bridge. Due to the cancellation of Expo ’96 it stood incomplete and unused for years. It was aimed to belong to BME and ELTE Universitiy after the fair. However, construction was put on hold for long in 1998. At the beginning of 2012 some developments made it partly usable and a permanent ice rink was installed. Finally, Pike Hall was finished by November 2014.

A roof structure covered with metal plates was decorated with 84 distinctive glass pyramids that resemble pikes. They are not only decorative but also let in natural light at daytime. At night they are specially lit contributing to the external decorative appearance of the building.

The hall is a venue for various sport and cultural events. It provides facilities for nearly 20 sports. There are two squash courts, a gym, spinning bikes and a wellness area. In 2016 a swimming complex opened.

Pike Hall is a venue for concerts, theatre performances, exhibitions, conferences and company events as well. The grand hall has a capacity of 4,000 with seats for 2,000.
- Phone: +36 1 255 2100, +36 1 255 2101
- E-mail: tcsrecepcio@mnsk.hu
- Web: www.tuskecsarnok.hu, www.facebook.com/Tüskecsarnok
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